» Scientific & Systemic Facts

Aging, Cellular Senescence, and Cancer. Judith Campisi

Living Long and Well: Prospects for a Personalized Approach to the Medicine of Ageing. Georg Fuellen et al. 2015

Chronographic Theory of Development, Aging, and Origin of Cancer: Role of Chronomeres and Printomeres. Alexey M Olovnikov ·

Influence of environment on the mortality pattern of potentially non-senescent organisms. General approach and comparison with real populations. Alexander Khalyavkin

Testing of Geroprotectors in Experiments on Cell Cultures: Choosing the Correct Model System. Alexander Khokhlov

Geriatrics and Gerontology: Neglected Areas of Research in Most Developing CountriesAftab Ahmad (with Shoji Komai) 

A network pharmacology approach reveals new candidate caloric restriction mimetics in C. elegans. J Pedro Magalhaes et al.

Aging-modulating treatments: from reductionism to a system-oriented perspective. Alexander M. Vaiserman.

Current status of biogerontology research in Korea. Kyung-Jin Min (with Shin-Hae Lee)

Cellular reprogramming for understanding and treating human disease. Antonei B. Csoka et al. 

Telomere length and telomerase activity; a Yin and Yang of cell senescence. Gil Atzmon et al.

The diminishing durability of knowledge in professional psychology: A second look at specializations. Greg J. Neimeyer.

Differential mtDNA damage patterns in a transgenic mouse model of Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3). Nadiya Kazachkova et al.

Successful aging as a continuum of functional independence: lessons from physical disability models of aging. Abbe Vallejo 

Early Thymus Involution – Manifestation of an Aging Program or a Program of Development?. Alexander Khalyavkin and Viacheslav Krutko. 2015.

Estimation of Heterogeneity in Diagnostic Parameters of Age-related Diseases. Blokh D and Stambler I.  Aging and Disease, 5, 218-225, 2014. 

Information theoretical analysis of aging as a risk factor for heart disease. Blokh D and Stambler I. Aging and Disease, 6 (3), 196-207, 2015 

Applying information theory analysis for the solution of biomedical data processing problems. Blokh D and Stambler I. American Journal of Bioinformatics, 3 (1), 17-29, 2015 

Has aging ever been considered healthy? Stambler I. Frontiers in Genetics. Genetics of Aging, 6, 00202, 2015