Healthspan Policy Newsletter – April 11, 2019
Healthspan Policy Newsletter – April 4, 2019
GHPI’s Advocate Gives TEDx Talk In NYC – Beverlye Hyman Fead In Her Own Words

So this is how the TEDx played out. I arrived on the 25th and went directly to my friend Janet’s apartment (where I was staying). The next day I had…
Fellow Valter Longo Launches a Fasting-Mimicking Diet
GHPI congratulates Fellow Valter Longo, Ph.D. on the launch of his unique diet Prolon. Here, Dr. Longo is pictured during a recent trip to New York City. He is joined by CEO…
Advisory Board Member Richard Barker Presents at Basel Life Science Week
The Basel Life Science Week conference is an international event that brings together researchers, investors, and policy makers from industry, academia, and not-for-profit institutions. Each year, representatives from more than 45…
The New Age of Aging
Interventions to Slow Aging in Humans: Are We Ready?

The workshop entitled ‘Interventions to Slow Aging in Humans: Are We Ready?’ was held in Erice, Italy, on October 8–13, 2013, to bring together leading experts in the biology and…
GHPI Goes International This Week

Hello, Exciting days are in store for the healthspan community. A billion dollars has been committed to new projects to support the field, representing a significant move forward for our…
GHPI and Our Goals Regarding the ICD-11 and Aging as a Disease

We at Global Healthspan Policy Institute (GHPI) are committed to changing the way the healthcare industry views aging-related diseases and mortality. If we can fight age-related diseases such as: cancer,…
The Best Practices in Cancer Treatment: What You Need To Know

Hello, What if new treatments for cancer and other aging-related diseases were not just right around the corner, but already here? This week, we present some new information about how…